Questions asked or needs identified by upcoming clients

  1. I am worried about my baby’s development. Am I doing everything I should be doing?

  2. Should I have my baby on a sleep schedule?

  3. How can I prepare to pump at work?

  4. How can I prepare for going back to work?

  5. How can I help my baby get ready for the transition of me going back to work?

  6. Is it normal to pee my pants when I laugh now?

  7. When should I open a college savings account?

  8. My friends know I am overwhelmed and want to help but I am not sure what to ask for

  9. I am breastfeeding: does that mean I have to or should do all the nighttime feedings?

  10. How can I get my baby to sleep more!?!

  11. How is this so hard and so many people seem to be able to do it?! Who else feels this way?

  12. How can I make my apartment feel calmer with all the chaos of a new baby?

  13. My husband and I are bonding with the baby differently. Is that normal? What if he wants to bond more?

  14. What prenatal vitamin should I use? What foods are good in pregnancy?

  15. What baby products are the essentials!?!

  16. What if I want to go back to work part time after a baby? How should I navigate this?

  17. How can I maximize my paid time with my baby in the state of Colorado.